bureaucratic nightmare

美 [ˌbjʊrəˈkrætɪk ˈnaɪtmer]英 [ˌbjʊərəˈkrætɪk ˈnaɪtmeə(r)]
  • 官僚主义噩梦
bureaucratic nightmarebureaucratic nightmare
  1. The department has become a bureaucratic nightmare .


  2. is a bureaucratic nightmare , you know that .


  3. Which is even more of a bureaucratic nightmare than the pentagon .


  4. The fact that everyone tells me it would be a bureaucratic nightmare means one thing : we need to get better at the collective effort .


  5. Consolidating the hog industry in China , while technologically feasible , can be a legal and bureaucratic nightmare , even for an entrepreneurial company such as Shuanghui .


  6. Consumers have been hoarding to beat the price rise and some producers complain that the tax is a bureaucratic nightmare while some scientists think that saturated fat may be the wrong target .
